Investment in children

Child Support Programs ,The African Child is one of the leading child focused organizations in Uganda. Our approach combines child protection. interventions and psycho social support to children and families in distress.
Uganda has 17.1 million children below 18 years (over 56% of the population). The context of children in Uganda remains precarious. Children in Uganda face multiple challenges that impede the full realization of their rights and the full enjoyment of their childhood.
We do provide:
Educational supportNutritional supportBasic. SupportMedical CareEmpowering Their caretaker.s

 With a wave of investment transforming Africa's educational, economic, and physical infrastructure, a bright future lies ahead for the continent's 1 billion people. But realizing this promise will require innovative solutions to some persistent challenges, including conflict, illiteracy, and health crises.

The Afriacn Child organization is committed to improving the lives of people across Africa. Our programs build entrepreneurship and economic opportunity, support ambitious education reform efforts, and develop solutions to pervasive public health issues, including HIV/AIDS. Across all of our work, we consult regional partners to create meaningful, effective programs that are informed by local contexts and are designed to be sustainable long into the future.

Office location 
Plot 8 bugembe 
Nabhongo road
Jinja City 
monday _friday 

Our vision .
To realize a self helped community 

our mission 
To invest in families that are disadvantaged to be able to manage themselves through  mindset change and social economic empowerment.
 Volunteer opportunities

Contact us 

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